
Monday, 27 November 2017

A&P Show work

Last week, Rimu had a task of doing eight activities about the A&P Show. Last week I posted my photo book and that's part of the activities. I only got four finished. I am very disapointed that I didn't complete them all. I'm not a really fast worker with some things, so it was quite hard to finish it all. Next time I think that I need to work harder, and be more creative with the way I present my work.

We orignaly made most of our things on paper, but since we are putting it on our blogs, we had to make them digital. Some of my work was already digital so that makes things easier.

Here is my Alpaca's booklet:

Here's my photo book:

Here is my History work:

Here is my recount:

On the 16th of November my class went on a trip to the A&P Show. We were all put into small groups to go around the show. I was in a group with Bella, Base and Laura. The adult in our group was my mum. I was really pumped about going to the A&P show with my friends.

On the way there, we talked at listened to music. I couldn’t stop laughing, everyone was making me laugh so hard. But on the way there we passed a really expensive car yard. And at the very front there was… my dream LAMBORGHINI! I was starting to hyperventilate and I nearly fainted. But luckily I had some water just on time.

Finally after sitting in A LOT of traffic, we finally got to our destination. We all got our bags out of the boot and headed to the entrance. Since Mrs Spragg saw us all she let us head off to look around. We saw a bunch of cars, so of course we had to go look at them. They all looked so clean and sparkly and all I could do was dream about owning them all. We went over to look at some Range Rovers. I of course had to open the door look inside. It was so cool! There were so many buttons! But there was one car that was a race car. It looked like one of the cars I race on my racing games on the Xbox. It was awesome.

After that we found this little area that had tiny little cars that you can ride. We weren’t technically going in the banned area, so we got two tickets and had a ride. I drove Bella in a yellow car, and Base drove Laura in a blue car. When first got moving I drove right into the blow up wall the had. Bella and I cracked up laughing. After a bit I finally got used to it and I was zooming around the corners, it was so much fun (but I feel like we nearly tipped over). When we started heading over to the dirtbike races, Base realized he lost his phone. But luckily Laura remembered where he left it. It was on the ground right next to a Porsche.

We went over to look the dirtbike races. The track was so cool. But there was a bit where there are a bunch of big rocks that they had to ride over, but every time someone tried to over they got stuck. It was pretty funny.

After that we went to look at the big tractors. At the start they were pretty small but as we went along, they got very big. We walked over to this massive harvester, and I went up the ladder to stand on the platform. It was pretty high up. I was too scared to stand up so I just crouched.

We didn’t do a lot after we had lunch, but I had a lot of fun for the rest of the day. I can’t wait ‘til I go another time. I will definitely look at the cars again.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

A&P Show Photo Book!

Last Thursday, Rimy went to the A&P show. We were all put into small groups to go around the show. I was put in a group with my mum, Laura, Bella and Base. I had a lot of fun. The main thing I wanted though was a big pink alien, and I got one! For our projects that we're doing in class, we had to make a photo book. Here's a slide full of photos from our trip!